
Contemporary Theology: An Introduction: Classical, Evangelical, Philosophical, and Global Perspectives is unavailable, but you can change that!

Contemporary Theology: An Introduction by Kirk MacGregor introduces major thinkers and schools of thought from the beginning of the 19th century to the present, including non-Western voices, evangelical perspectives, and philosophical developments alongside the widely acknowledged main streams of modern theology. Accessible and comprehensive, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction by professor...

sensible data of the world. But if there are no sensory data in regard to something we hope to know, then that thing cannot be an object of knowledge. For Kant, knowledge required both rational concepts and empirical percepts. Thus knowledge must be experiential, and it must conform to our a priori mental categories. From Kant’s perspective, therefore, there may be a God, but there is nothing we can really say about him as to his being an object of our knowledge. So surely,
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